07 September 2005

Did you miss me?

Some random musings about current events:

* The Bush Administration sniffs that it's too busy to engage in the "blame game," yet has somehow found the time to note that state and local governments were slow in responding to Katrina, that too many people failed to evacuate, etc. I wish I had their time-management skills.

* A friend noted today that Barbara Bush's comments about poor evacuees/refugees merely echo what a lot of people are thinking. Sadly true, perhaps, but nevertheless, a woman of her age and station in life should know better than to muse aloud to a group of reporters, doncha think? Or do insensitivity and hubris run in that family? (If you're ever looking for an argument in favor of nurture over nature, consider the Bush family.)

* One poll cited in the news yesterday stated that 46% of respondents believed Bush is doing a "good job" managing the Federal hurricaine response, while a competing poll stated that 66% of those questioned believe that the Federal response has been "too slow." No wonder our leaders seem disoriented and confused - why should they be any different from their constituents?

* Speaking of Dubya, in his speech in which he equated Operation Iraqi Freedom with World War II (and, by inference, himself with FDR), the President said we must not allow Iraq to reamain a haven for terrorists. Of course, he neglected to mention that our invasion and occupation have opened Iraq up to wingnuts of all stripes - in other words, we created the very instability which necessitates our presence. From a logical perspective, this is akin to the man who was convicted of killing his parents. At his sentencing hearing he plead for leniency from the court, on the grounds that he was recently orphaned.

(I know what you're thinking by now: "My God, he's a...a...a liberal! Damn right. A Bush-basher, too. Get over it.)

Gotta go. More later...


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